Posts Tagged ‘miniatures’

Episode 5

terlobar | January 20, 2011 in podcast | Comments (0)

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Welcome back!  The Star Frontiers Network is pleased to present Episode 5 of the Whispers from the Void podcast. It’s been over a year since the last episode and this one was nearly a month in post production.  All of that has been due to a serious lack of time on my part.  However, I’m going to try to get the ball rolling again and get the podcast under way once more.

In this episode, I sit down and talk with Tom Verrault, known as jedion357 in the Star Frontiers on-line community.  We discuss a wide range of topics including how he got started with and back into Star Frontiers, his sources of inspirations for ideas and writing for the Star Frontiersman and several of the projects he is working on.

This is the longest podcast yet and future podcasts will probably be of similar length.  There is just too much to talk about to try to squeeze it into under 20 minutes.  As usual there is a Choose Your Own Adventure segement at the end.  Jump over to the Adventure forum to cast your vote for where the story will go next.

Enjoy the show!

icon for podpress  Whispers from the Void - Episode 5 [32:53m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (2089)

Links from the show:

Podcast Tiimeine:
00:00 – Intro
00:20 – Star Frontiersman Issue 16 Announcement
01:00 – Start interview with Tom V.
04:48 – Miniatures
09:37 – Inspirations and writing for the Star Frontiersman
14:14 – Zebulon’s Guide Rehabilitation
16:53 – Timeline Project (part 1)
18:07 – Humma
19:39 – Zebulon’s Guild Mechanics
21:39 – Stagnant On-line Games
25:27 – Timeline Project (redux)
27:52 – Cadres and Cults Project
28:48 – Choose your own Adventure segment
32:53 – End transmission